

Since Drupal is an open-source system, many people wonder whether it's safe. Drupal is carefully tested by Drupal experts, and they are keeping it extremely secure. The information is constantly transmitted, passwords are encrypted, the community reviews the modules ... all these are the reasons that Drupal is one of the safest CMSs in the world. That is why it is used by a large number of organizations that have sensitive data such as the White House, UNESCO, Tesla Motors and others.


Open Web Application Security Project

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit charitable organization that regularizes a software’s security and is focused on it’s improving. Drupal is designed to meet OWASP standards and is actively analyzed to prevent future risks.  


Security Team

The Drupal security team is a team of 40 security experts that come from different countries across three continents. They work to improve the security; their job is to identify the security vulnerabilities and make security patches. To prevent security-related fractures in code, they publish the documentation of the identified vulnerabilities and security advisories on its website.  



When Drupal is installed for the first time, the password that we store is encrypted in the database. Characters are added to the password, this is said to be salt and then closed, which is a mathematical one-way function. This is a complicated procedure with the powerful SHA512 function. By doing this, the password is virtually impossible to decrypt.


A Secure Codebase

An experienced Drupal security team is committed to the reliability and security of Drupal as an open source database. Each module contributed by the user is pre-approved by Drupal's maintainers. Then, the whole community can download the code and report any errors. Thus, each module is thoroughly reviewed by the community.


Access controls

You can configure your access control with full control level in each case. For all situations, you can set up several account types. Thus, users are limited to exclusively their role they perform. It does so without any errors, which in turn increases the security of the application.


Database encryption

By using Drupal, it is possible to encrypt a database. It can be configured to encrypt the entire site's database or only its specific parts. Such encryption types allow the Drupal configuration to pass any of the privacy standards or encryption laws.


Security reporting

CMS is the most secure if our website is properly configured and constantly updated. Drupal notifies you of updates, but at the same time reports you details of updating, so that potential security holes can be immediately corrected and there is no harm.